Formulas For Success | Stevia + Erythritol

Formulas For Success Vol. 2 Formulas For Success is a monthly educational series from our leading formulation experts that covers the basics and fundamentals of trends in stevia formulation. Each time we’ll be featuring an emerging ingredient or combination of ingredients with stevia and sharing the key tips you’ll need to discover your own formula for...

Chief Innovation Officer Dr. Alex Woo Discusses ‘Third Generation Stevia’ at Prepared Foods

  Dr. Alex Woo, Chief Innovation Officer of Nascent Health Sciences, took the stage at the Prepared Foods conference in Chicago earlier this month to deliver a seminar on Third Generation Stevia. Renowned for his industry-leading R&D work in food science and his expertise in taste and smell neuroscience, Dr. Woo explored the current state of technology for...

Things You May Not Know About Stevia Pt. 2

Stevia Has Some Interesting Characteristics When it comes to being healthy, people do not always make the best choices. Sure, everyone talks about eating better and working out more but, if we are all being honest with ourselves, those two things are not always the easiest thing to do. Eating better, in particular, can be...

Things You May Not Know About Stevia

How Much do You Know About Stevia? Hello, and welcome back to our blog! If you’ve been keeping up with our blog here at SoPure Stevia, you are probably well aware fo the fact that we love stevia. While it’s true that “love” is a strong word to use when referring to how you feel...

An In Depth Look At Erythritol In Stevia Blends

Erythritol Blends Well With Our Stevia Extracts In our previous blog, we here at SoPure Stevia explained what erythritol was and why we have included it in certain stevia extract blends that we offer. While our previous post went into a few of the benefits that erythritol has as an added agent to our stevia...

What Is The Erythritol In Our Erythritol Blends?

Erythritol and its Role in Our Stevia Blends Hello, constant reader, and welcome back to our blog! In most of our blogs we tend to focus on stevia and stevia extracts, however, in today’s blog we thought we would do something a little different. Some of our stevia blends contain another sugar alternative known as...